7 Fantastic Reasons to Play PS4's Dreams

PS4's Dreams
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PS4's Dreams is the game to create games. Gorgeous graphics, infinite possibilities & a booming community makes the Dreamiverse a must play. Check out why

7 Fantastic Reasons to Play PS4's Dreams | LIST-EM. Article Image by Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment


Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment
Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment


Welcome to the Dreamiverse, Media Molecule (The creators behind LittleBigPlanet) & Sony’s PlayStation may have created the start of a groundbreaking era and with the help of the Dreams Community is aiming to disrupt the industry once again.




Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment
Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment


What a time to be alive for a creator.

The online world has taken advantage of the tech breakthrough to offer vast possibilities for creativity.

With companies such as Uber, Netflix, Webflow or Gumroad breaking down barriers and opening paths to connect users, the game industry as innovative as it is, is taking a leap with Dreams.


Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment
Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment


Developed by Media Molecule, Dreams is…

Well, we’re not entirely sure how to describe it. Let’s see

A game to play other games art

To create games

A game to create art

To share games, art

Well, is a game to play, create and share

It’s like a YT for everything.

So, teased since 2013, this February 14th of 2020 prepare to experience the start of a new era.

Should we look out for Dreams developers in the near future?







Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment
Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment


PS4's Dreams is a game creation system. Where armed with your imp you’ll be able to create infinite ways of art.

With four main modes – Dream Surfing, Dream Shaping, Home Space Editor and Community Jam, you’ll get an amazing experience and first glance into the world of Dreams.

Dream Surfing is the place where you can browse the Dreamiverse and play games, explore art or just listen to some music.


Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment
Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment


While Dream Shaping, will unleash the creator in you, create, shape, animate and edit your own games, art, scenes or what you’re imagining at the moment.

Do you know that What happen if…? Question busting your head out?

Time to solve it on Dreams.

Just a warning, this is a big rabbit hole, so be aware.




Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment
Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment


Okay, so how can I interact with the Dreamiverse?

You know that you need a proper companion.

Meet your imp, choose your imp and be your imp.


Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment
Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment


Imp is your creative partner that makes it possible with the help of three different ways of control, the Dual Shock 4, PS4 Motion Sensor or PS4 Move Controllers.

Move, grab & pull your elements to build that scene or just explore with Imp and bing play other creations.




Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment
Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment


-You: So, with Dreams, we can create whatever we want, right?

-Me: With good patience and work, comes good results

-You: Like whatever…

-Me: There are great tutorials and communities that you can check out


(Goes and create that Mario 64 on PS4)

So yes, players are recreating legendary games on the powerful system.


Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment
Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment


Lost gems such as MGS, or Sonic, even Dexter’s lab is coming to life again on Dreams. Check out this homage to Metal Gear Solid made by the creator Bearly Regal





Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment
Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment


Apart from letting your imagination (and patience) fly.

PS4's Dreams is a library of games and overall art, with a great diversity of games that keeps growing by the day and Media Molecule aiming to expand its community, there is room for greatness.


Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment
Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment


From living portraits such as Van Gogh’s Starry Night, an impressive Ultra Realistic FPS Prototype that reminds us the great 2006’s Black for PS2. or just go into the nightmare hallway of the late Silent Hill’s PT like this Made in the Dreams PS4 BETA By lewisc729 and Courtesy of EpicLBPTime



Dreams are making possible the creation of games with the tools of your console.




Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment
Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment


But the future of Dreams relies on the work of its community.

We talked about the Share element of this universe, and that’s when Dream Shaping makes its entrance by discovering other creators' work.

Dreams are about community and sharing

Where tutorials, resources or even the option of taking a character model from other creators and adapting it to your own art is invaluable.

Comment, like, share or just pick the random selection and play.


Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment
Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment


Discover the most popular games, search by name or look out for what Media Molecule is creating is one of the many options behind Dream Shaping.

Just imagine the possibilities of creating a bigger game by multi creators.

Well is real, Dreamers are forming micro studios to crowd create new and old games.

And we think some studios will keep an eye on it.




Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment
Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment


What’s also fascinating about Dreams is that is a game creation academy.

Where you can learn a skill, create something, post it and see its potential.

What Media Molecule took to new heights could be boost by the golden work of the Dreams community.

Breathtaking graphics, styles, ways of playing and sharing.


Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment
Media Molecule - Sony Interactive Entertainment


The future is not only we’re playing Dreams, but it could also be… We’re Dreams Creators.

Would the Game Industry start looking to publish games that started on PS4's Dreams?

If Netflix changed the way we watch Movies & TV, would Dreams make the same for Video Games?

Let’s appreciate the behind closed door work of the amazing designers, developers and overall creators that bring video game magic into our hands

Tonight, we cheer for you.



For more of Dreams, like this Fan Made Trailer check out the awesome Project Genesis


Do you think PS4's Dreams will change (or is changing) the Gaming Industry? And you’re planning to take a look into the Magic?


Tell us below and don't forget to keep on touch with the TOP TEN GAMES YOU MUST PLAY AND THEN CREATE ON DREAMS

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7 REASONS TO PLAY PS4'S DREAMS | List-Em. All images featured on list-em.com are the copyright & property of their respective owners. Images by List-em or its creator are clearly stated. But, if there is anything on List-em or its affiliated sites, that has been improperly credited, please email us at [email protected]. So, if you have any concerns about an image, please let us know if you would like the image to be correctly attributed or removed and, we shall do so promptly and courteously.

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