Top Ten Outbreak Movies to Watch Now
Thrilling, Outstanding and Memorable. Check out this Powerful Top Ten Outbreak Movies you must watch now and remember to Stay Home and Stay Safe.
Top Ten Outbreak Movies to Watch Now | LIST-EM. Article Image by Paramount Pictures

Plagues, disease outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics have always been players on this planet.
From time to time, these things come from the bench to leave everything in their wake messed-up and chaos.
With outbreak movies, Hollywood has taken advantage of the panic that these things cause in the population to make films that show worlds consumed by the worst consequences caused by the most demonic viruses and bacteria.
Here we show you our favorite outbreak movies that illustrate these apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic scenarios, so you can imagine what could happen if the worst happens.
10 CARRIERS (2009)

One of the worst consequences of virus outbreaks is the paranoia it causes in the population.
This paranoia leads people to break all patterns of society and establish their sense of survival over all things.
Carriers is a film that tells the story of four friends who, after surviving the outbreak of a terribly deadly virus, decide to escape from the city.
Things get very ugly when they are stranded on the road and must survive from other humans desperate to do the same.
09 BLACK DEATH (2010)

To speak about virus outbreaks is to speak about the Black Death, the most devastating pandemic in human history.
Black Death is a film that takes us to 14th-century England, where a monk leaves his monastery amid the bubonic plague outbreak (bad idea), to accompany Ulric (Sean Bean) and his group of knights, in a dark mission.

The film horribly and crudely recreates devastated medieval Europe, showing filth and rotting bodies everywhere.
08 OUTBREAK (1995)

Have you ever heard of the "Butterfly Effect"? Well, in pandemics very often it takes only a small event, a tiny oversight, to unleash a wave of consequences with devastating ends.
The movie Outbreak recounts the events that occurred when a deadly disease caused by a virus in Africa extends its claws to America.
Despite the fact that the United States Army had controlled the spread of the virus in a camp in Zaire, which was the origin of all the mess, it only took that an ape - yes, an ape! - infected with the disease traveled by boat to the United States to start panic and terror in that country.

Okay, we're pretty sure you know about this one, either because you've played the Capcom game or because you've seen one of the other installments in the movie franchise.
However, the first Resident Evil movie is a must-watch when it comes to movies related to virus outbreaks.
In short: Deadly virus + Evil Company + Zombies (many, many of them) + Milla Jovovich, make up a film that has become part of popular culture.

Check out the trailer, Courtesy of Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
06 CONTAGION (2011)

Contagion, more than a movie, seems to be a documentary about how things can go wrong, from zero to one hundred, during a pandemic.
The plot of the film revolves around the rampant contagion of a virus of an uncertain origin. The disease wreaks havoc on the population while the authorities are less efficient than… Well, you-know-who.
The tension experienced when watching Contagion is incredible. The realism projected on the film will make you feel the anguish of the characters firsthand.
Uh-huh, just what you need right now.
05 WORLD WAR Z (2013)

The worst output a pandemic might ever have is the population ending up becoming mad/loco/super aggressive zombies.
The best solution you can hope for if this happens is for Brad Pitt to emerge as the leader of the commission seeking the outbreak cure.
This is exactly what happens in World War Z, an exciting blockbuster that places us in a world in chaos produced by a mysterious zombie outbreak.

Gerry (Brad Pitt), the protagonist of the film, is the typical hero who saves his family from doom, while traveling to different places, seeking to clarify the mystery behind the disease.
Amid all of this, World War Z keeps us entertained with lots of action, tension, and spectacular shots.
Check out the trailer. Courtesy of Paramount Pictures
04 I AM LEGEND (2007)

It sucks to be in a pandemic, but do you know what must suck even more? Be the only survivor you know of it and find yourself completely alone - with good old Sam's forgiveness -
Let's add another layer of suck: the other humans affected by the virus have become strange creatures that are thirsty for your blood.
I Am Legend is a spectacular film that tells the story described above, through Robert (Will Smith), a scientist who survived the outbreak of the virus that has put civilization to its end.

The film is full of memorable scenes with both emotional and exciting moments.
Spoiler alert: We all are still crying for Sam :-(
Another cool thing is Robert's liking for Bob Marley. It is always good to listen to Three Little Birds.
03 28 DAYS LATER (2002)

A violent virus outbreak not only causes disease and death but can also cause humans to show themselves in their most primitive and selfish side.
The British film 28 Days Later, takes us to a turbulent setting in which a virus outbreak spreads throughout England, turning those affected into violent beasts and everyone else into not at all cool beings.
In 28 days everything is chaos and desolation. This makes the film atmosphere to be quite terrifying and sets the conditions for an interesting plot.

Check out the trailer. Courtesy of Boyle Movie Trailers
02 TRAIN TO BUSAN (2016)

We have all had to deal with other annoying passengers when we have traveled by train or plane, but compared to Seok-woo's (Gong Yoo) travel companions, we have all been very lucky even in the worst case.
A pandemic that turns the infected ones into zombies (yes, I know, once again, but trust me, this time is even better), and you being confined in a narrow space and enclosed with them, is truly a nightmare come true.

Beyond that, Train to Busan is a film that takes the concept of Virus -> Pandemic -> Zombies to another level. A film that makes your nerves restless from start to end, with impeccable narrative rhythm and incredible scenes.
If zombies are your thing, be sure to watch Train to Busan. In fact, it's worth watching over and over again.
01 12 MONKEYS (1995)

It would be great if we could go back in time and prevent a pandemic to take place, eliminating it from its roots or at least to help address it in some way.
In fact, in the case of humanity not being able to find a cure for the mortal virus, perhaps the only solution is that one.
In 12 Monkeys, a film that has become a cult film for sci-fi lovers, the story takes place in a post-apocalyptic world devastated by a pandemic.
The only hope for humanity lies in James Cole (Bruce Willis), the man designed to travel to the past to reach the origins of the disease that almost ended up with the world.
It's an exciting film, with an original and a very well-developed plot. It has amazing performances and a great cast, including Bruce Willis, Brad Pitt, and Christopher Plummer.
Check out the trailer Courtesy of YouTube Movies
How are you feeling after all you saw on the list below? We hope you get the chance to watch them all. These Outbreak Movies might help you want to stay home amid a pandemic.
Remember: Stay home. Stay safe.
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